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Meetup 8: HTML5 Canvas game (continued)

· 3 min read
Manas Jayanth
Managing Partner at Dining Philosophers, LLP.

We planned to continue the HTML5 canvas tutorial from Mozilla Developer Network, but discussed some fundamentals on abstractions first.

Abstractions that can break the OCaml typechecker

Patatruder shared the following cool snippet

let f1 x f = f x x
let f2 x = f1 (f1 x)
let f3 x = f2 (f2 x)
let f4 x = f3 (f3 x)
let f5 x = f4 (f4 x)
let f6 x = f5 (f5 x)

Abstractions that turn functions into lego blocks

As we started with the tutorial, we ran into the option type. Some of us were immediately reminded of monads. We decided to digress and revisit the topic. Here' what came out of it. (Thank you, Patatruder for the snippet).

let ( let* ) = Result.bind
let ( and* ) r1 r2 =
match r1, r2 with
| Ok r1, Ok r2 -> Ok (r1, r2)
| Error e, _ | _, Error e -> Error e

let split s =
match String.split_on_char ' ' s with
| [first; second] -> Ok (first, second)
| _ -> Error ["split"]

let single_convertion = function
| "one" -> Ok 1
| "two" -> Ok 2
| "three" -> Ok 3
| "four" -> Ok 4
| "five" -> Ok 5
| "six" -> Ok 6
| "seven" -> Ok 7
| "eight" -> Ok 8
| "nine" -> Ok 9
| "zero" -> Ok 0
| _ -> Error ["single_convertion"]

let catch cause result = Result.map_error (List.cons cause) result

let int_convertion (first, second) =
let result =
let* f = single_convertion first
and* s = single_convertion second in
Ok (f, s) in
catch "int_convertion" result

let division (a, b) =
if b = 0 || a mod b <> 0 then Error ["division"]
else Ok (a / b)

let add (x, y) = x + y

let pipeline s =
let result =
let* split = split s in
let* converted = int_convertion split in
let* divided = division converted in
let result = add (divided, 6) in
Ok result in
catch "pipeline" result

let result = pipeline "ninea eightt no"

Join us on Discord if you'd like to learn more about these examples.

We discussed package managers and dev tooling post the session.

Next Meetup

We learn how to style our server rendered React components (with a server implementation that doesn't need Node.js). Learn more about it here

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