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Upcoming Meetups

Parser combinators in OCaml

We'll discuss Graham Hutton's Parser Combinators with injuly leading the discussion


Date: 22 September, 2024 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM IST


Online. Join us on Discord to get the link.

Speaker: Srijan Paul

A CS and math enthusiast put up in Bangalore, India. I'm a programmer by trade, and work at DeepSource – a code health monitoring platform.

You can checkout his website and follow him on

Continuted - Joining Nikhil as he writes a card game in OCaml

We'll be continuing Nikhil Bijapur's Monopoly Deal, a card game. We plan to live-code this game was built with Nikhil and learn along the way.


Date: TBD. 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM IST


Online. Join us on Discord to get the link.

Multi-platform builds for Reason and OCaml

We will look at how to setup CI for apps written in native Reason and OCaml so that they can easily distributed for multiple platforms. You can reach out me on X @ManasJayanth if you have any trouble.


Date: TBD 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM IST


Online. Join us on Discord to get the link.

Speaker: Manas Jayanth

Manas Jayanth is an OCaml/Reason programmer maintaining the esy package manager. He has worked on the Tezos blockchain on the economic protocol and the Ligo compiler.

Find him on