Article: Defunctionalisation
· 2 min read
injuly proposed a talk on defunctionalisation in compilers - this rehashes his post defunctionalisation, but in OCaml. We recommend you read his post first and switch to this article to compare the OCaml implementation.
Higher order functions
let rec fold f acc = function
| [] -> acc
| x::xs -> f x (fold f acc xs)
let sum xs = fold (+) 0 xs
let add n xs = fold (fun x acc -> (x + n)::acc) [] xs
is the higher order function because it takes another function
(possibly higher order), f
The GADT representation of functions like function arguments
type ('env, 'params, 'return) arrow =
| FnPlus : int * int -> (unit, (int * int), int) arrow
| FnPlusCons : int * (int * int list) -> (int, (int * int list), int list) arrow
('env, 'params, 'return) arrow
encodes functions that can be passed
around as arguments to other functions.
fold (+) 0 xs
could be expressed as fold (FnPlus (0, xs))
fold (fun x acc -> (x + n :: acc)
could be expressed as fold (FnPlusCons (n, (x, acc))
where n
is the free variable.
These representations can be evaluated with apply
let apply : type env params return. (env, params, return) arrow -> return = fun arrow ->
match arrow with
| FnPlus (a, b) -> a + b
| FnPlusCons (n, (x, xs)) -> (n + x)::xs
Example output
utop[41]> apply (FnPlus (1, 2));;
- : int = 3
utop[42]> apply (FnPlusCons (10, (1, [2;3])));;
- : int args = [11; 2; 3]
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